Tuesday, March 31, 2009 !?
; 6:34 PM
Jobless is driving me crazy.
Someone HIRE ME PLEASE!!!!!!
At this rate I am going...
I think I can die.
So not in the mood to load and post all the fun I had last week.
Am down with a sore throat and will miss the fun today!
I don't know what I want!
Very random, I know.
Its ok.
This post is only meaNt for me to know what I'm typing and ranting about.
ARGH! Stupid bitch!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 !?
; 1:29 AM
A short post.
I remember what that alcohol with red bull is call.
Thats the name.
Go try it.
And i guess i'm going clubbing again probably next weekend.
My neighbour at work got transfer out and we intend to celebrate for him.
Its not a happy thing that he got transfer out so I don't see the point of the celebration but ya.. you know... there's always a reason to celebrate anything under the sun when I'm working with all the crazy humans.. lol
Photos will be uploaded when I am free.
till then.
Saturday, March 21, 2009 !?
; 4:31 PM
DBL Oooooooo....Had hell lots of fun yesterday!
Friend brought me around the club.
Went up and down, in and out.
Pubbing and clubbing!
Think we came slightly early and there wasn't much crowd.
We walk around aimless-ly and decide to just chill first.
And...I realise there were guys checking us out.
"That type" of guys, If you get what I mean?
People start coming in and then Friend and I drank like there's no tomorrow!
I tell you, we haven't caculate the amount we spent on drinking last night.
We had like N cups of I don't know what you call that.
Its red bull with some alcohol.
Friend's friend say one cup will drop and I totally agree the drink was a little strong.. can feel the effect after finishing it at one go yet I got so hook to it! Damn nice! We drank it ma chiam like we were drinking coke. hahaha....
Other than that we had Bacardi ,6 tequila shots and random alcohol.
Tequila was....after drinking 2 shots I gave up.
It was bleah...and slowly I feel the kick and went high...
The music was alright..
We ended up going to the RnB area and FWAH!!!
I thought I was in Bobmbay!
A lot of indians!!
Then bump into friend's friend and then dance together...
Super high..high dao bu xing!
We end up staying till the club close.
Time pass so fast when you are having fun.
And and!!!
someone grabbed my hand while we were queing to get our bags!
He asked me if he can cut our que.
I was like okay.
cause he very cute..
Then he start to blabber rubbish.
Like he owes me a beer for that?
and he kept holding me...
HOLD not touch hor.
Friend say thats the fun part of clubbing.
The aftermath was...
you see so many drunk human beings loh.
Be it men or women.
I think its very ugly to 喝得烂醉
There was this lady who was so drunk to the extend that her leg went jelly?
The guy practically drag her and then her heels came off. -.-
The guy end up carrying her.
And you have girls who is almost gone but still can walk themselves?
You see them coming down the stairs ah.. like they are going to roll down anytime.
Lastly you have ALOT of men who were gone.
You see them sitting outside of the club loh..
Went ba kuk teh after clubbing.
You even have guys checking you out at coffee shop how nice is that?
Okay. I think clubbing has a lot of pros and cons.
But I'm loving it.
Not because of cute guys ok?
I am not like HER.
Its just very nice to feel high..
sound a bit wrong but nvm.
and F**K
I drop my phone when I was in the washroom.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 !?
; 12:59 AM
If I can do something about it...
I would have "KILL" him.
LOOK! At 11.20A.M, TWENTY SMS-ES was already send to my mobile!!!
Horribe creature! He bomb my phone like nobody business.
Gosh, who would be so pervertic to bomb one's mobile when its not even switched on?! Like what Jia en said: "You think mobile off you bomb the phone, the phone will auto on and you can reach the person meh?"
Totally agree with Jia en and thank God, my phone went dead, or else I would have got up as early as EIGHT because of his phone call.
Anyway, I replied him "Hey sorry for the late reply. BTW can you don't bomb my mobile with so many recruit's number? I was shock to see 20 smses when I switched on my phone...seriously"
And he replied with Haha..Hehe..cause there was an interview for me etc.
Its always interview and interview and MORE interviews!
Nothing came out from it! *Frustrated*
Totally roll my eyes.
But on the other hand...
I feel good now because I think he learnt his lesson..
This morning I've got an interview.
By right, his usual routine would be bomb my mobile to wake me up, see I'm on my way to interview already etc. BUT TODAY HE NEVER CALL ME LEH!! Instead he sms to ask if I wake up already...
Hopefully its not only a week's thing and then he'll be back to usual the next.
If that's the case I would be totally speechless and get really paranoid cos.....
Jia en knows why.
Enough of him.
Something that brightens up my day!

You have Chocolate,Surprise and Toys!!
Kinder Joy
Joyful indeed.
Sunday, March 15, 2009 !?
; 4:17 AM
都是咖啡做的怪!No matter what time it is, as long as coffee goes down into my stomach..
Thats it.
I'm still widely awake without things to do and start to think
of nonsense stuff like being JOBLESS!
Seriously, I'm very vex over this job thingy. Like I say, I totally feel how this recession affects me. From having so much hope that I would find a job real soon to being hopeless.
The way he call is totally bomb your mobile. If you dun pick up he bomb your residential number loh. Then he'll call to tell me there's so and so position available at so and so. Want to try out? Then I'll say ok and he'll send in the resume for me. If I got short listed, he'll bomb me again and ask me to go for interview. I am totally sick of interview and the job he tell me always DON'T TELLY when I go for the interview.
For instance, he told me there is an admin position at xxx company. When I went for interview the job they told me was totally.... its more than admin and they asked me HOW MY DIPLOMA is related to the position I apply.
Jason you very good loh, anyhow tell me the job, anyhow send in resume when I THINK they wanted someone with job experience or diploma related. This question totally bang me. I would have just told them since I study art I can arrange the parcel into installation for you all.
And I tell you the position that they wanted was nothing of admin, it was OPERATIONS ASSISTANCE.
Tell me how its link to admin.. somebody.
*Roll eyes*
Okay enough of all this pek stuff.
I was blog hopping and then haha...
I happen to find a lot of random people's blog.
Hmm... humans can be very fake at times eh?
Sometimes, I think too much to the extend that I think I'm going insane.
I cannot stand the thought of being betray by the close one or love ones.
Why are there humans who likes to
(1) 把自己的快乐建立在别人的痛苦上?
(2) 把别人踩在脚下?
(3) 做两头蛇?
(4) 不把别人放在眼里?
Why can't humans be more simple minded?
Why is simple minded being treat as a form of stupidity?
Saturday, March 14, 2009 !?
; 10:37 PM
I can't think of a name for this post.
Its raining. Nice weather.
I like it when it rains at night.
Anyway.. I'm blogging random stuff today.
Went Parkway today with mum and had Ajisen for Dinner.

I am so hook into this wanton mee lately.
You guys should try.
Its heaven~

Weeks ago went K to celebrate Eileen's birthday.

Count the candles.

I was craving for Zi Cha the other day and dragged mum to go and eat with me.
3 dishes which cost about $25! Super worthy!

I realise I'm blogging all about food man!
Cannot resist all the good food.
No wonder I'm growing horizontal.
Never mind.
Eat and diet later.
I want to go swimming!
Everytime I want to go.. its raining.
Then when its not raining.. I'm working!
The kuku thing was I wanted to go last friday... confirm want to go liao..
then thursday Da yi ma decides to visit me!
RAH!!!Random drawing.
I'm so affected by the rain.
Friday, March 13, 2009 !?
; 7:27 PM
Telepathy?Was thinking of best friend when I was sleeping just now.
Then when I woke up, I checked my mobile and saw 2 miss call from best friend!
Shock leh!!
Then then...
I went online to find her...
Overseas call expensive mah..
I told her I thought of her in my sleep then she say she was thinking of me too!
Thats why she called.
Really got a shock...
Monday, March 9, 2009 !?
; 2:12 AM
老妈今天真高兴! 因为出门不用花到半毛钱.
Yesterday mama went shopping and this pair of jeans from Esprit caught her eyes.
She can't bear to buy it cos she hiam its very expensive.
So... she went home... she talks about the jeans the whole day to her daughter and...
Her daughter replied.
She tricked me into saying that )=
Then today we went to Esprit loh..
other than purchasing that pair of jeans,
mama 顺便 grab a few shirts also...
Cost me almost $150 for that few cloth..
After that we went Shokudo for dinner.
Aunt join us for dinner too.
My treat.

Cost about $45 for the dinner which I think was pretty reasonable.
I remember the other time Cheryl and I spend about $35.
Now you know how much both of us can really eat.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009 !?
; 2:06 AM
Its amazing how Love can change a person.
Perhaps this is what they call 爱的力量?
I don't need any cos I'm a Les lah.
(inside joke)
Enough of joking.
I miss you Peanut
I miss you...
Sunday, March 1, 2009 !?
; 12:56 AM
Its March and I'm richer by $200!I believe every Singaporean above the age of 21 have already received
the GST package.
In fact, the amount was already deposited into the account like 2days ago?
Not that I am short of cash but I was just trying to be a typical Singaporean.
Talking about being a typical Singaporean...
I guess I'm becoming more like an 阿嫂/Ah Soh instead.
On this random day when I was working...
My aunt exclaim: EH! Is it 3.30p.m already?
Me : No
Aunt: Later 3.30pm hor you go buzz buy 新明 or 晚报
they give FREE milk and fruit juice which cost a total
of almost $5 leh!
Me very excited: Is it? OK..Later we go que.
I ask mama later don't buy newspaper.
Later at 3.30pm..
ONLY I went to que for the free milk loh..
My aunt put me aeroplane...
The que eventually reached till MacDonald there though it was raining.
Damn long I tell you.
After queing for almost 30mins...
I happen to hear the aunties and uncles saying each person can only
purchase one...
But... hohohoho....

Look how many I got!!
To be exact, there's SEVEN in total.
Another two were place on the other shelf in case we mixed up.
I tell you... there were so many to be given away to the extend that you don't even have to que in advance.
Bah.. I was just being an aunty.
oh. I bought 2 packets anyway.
2 magosteen juice, 1 fresh milk and 1 strawberry HL are still in the fridge.