Tuesday, January 27, 2009 !?
; 2:58 AM
在这里祝大家新年快乐 !年年有余 !身体健康 !一帆风顺!
Thursday, January 22, 2009 !?
; 2:45 PM
Dylan's 12th Birthday
Happy birthday to you, my MONKEY cousin. LOL
Hope you will pass your PSLE man.
Monday, January 19, 2009 !?
; 3:55 PM
Cheyanne's 4th Birthday Party @ Kings Albert Macdonald
The birthday girl.
Aren't she very pretty with that little tiara on her head?
Party started at 12p.m and my relatives and I were already there at 11a.m but...
we went to the WRONG MACDONALD... muahahaha...
end up we were one of the latest to reach.
Games like musical chair and the chicky dance (is that what you call it?) were played.
Macdonald meals were served to every guests..
I mean you don't expect to have rice serve to you in in Macdonald right?
Anyway... I'll let the picture do the talking. =)

I bet the children must have lotsa fun and the parents must be tire out.
Oh ya...
a questions for you peeps...
Have you all ever wish having your birthday celebrated at Macdonald when you were a small little kid?
Sunday, January 18, 2009 !?
; 11:43 AM
FYP Issssssssssssssss...... OVER!I is happy.
I smell happiness.
I is...graduating in a week time.
Thursday, January 15, 2009 !?
; 3:07 PM
Before the photos turns really really stale...
Some random days.. mum,aunt,cousin and I decide to have a 新加坡一日游 at night.

My 22nd Birthday celebration @ Kbox with the 美女's'
Till then...
Sunday, January 11, 2009 !?
; 1:52 PM
Status: BUSYI have so many photos yet to upload.
I need to find some time to do it.
Where's time?
I'm so trap in my cookie jar =(
Thursday, January 1, 2009 !?
; 7:25 PM
Hello 2009!
I only manage to take 1/2 of that firework as I was caught in the jam..
My new year was thus spend like that.
Time really flies like nobody business.
'N' years ago they announce that 2008 Olympic will be held in China and at that point of time 2008 was like sOoooo far...
Now 2008 is already history loh.
Bye Bye 2008.
I shall welcome 2009 with a smile and hope for the better to come. =)